Modern fatherhood has seen dramatic transformation over the last several years – to its credit! Fathers today are more hands-on than ever when it comes to diaper changes, bottle preparation and taking their kids on errands just like moms always did before them. Studies are finding millennial dads spend more time with their children than any other generation (at any one point!). We love seeing this happening as women now have greater opportunity to focus on careers while there is also greater equality when it comes to parenting duties at home (something which should have always been). Additionally, fathers are fighting harder for paternity leave in record numbers while numbers of stay-at-home dads continue growing every year as do those fighting hard against paternity leave issues; all in all it makes us very excited that things change quickly when new years begin!
Related Article: 24 Perfect Father’s Day Gifts for New Dads
After seeing that fathers have an increasing role in parenting their children–particularly during those early baby days–it comes as no surprise that more companies are marketing products directly towards dads as opposed to just moms as has traditionally been done. One such product for dads are diaper bags! With endless styles, designs, features, and price options out there available today we rounded up some top diaper bags specifically tailored for dads! What next?! How about installing changing tables in all public restrooms?!?
Related Content: 30 stylish diaper bags that don’t look like diaper bags