Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A Comprehensive Guide to the Health and Growth of 8-Month-Old Babies
It’s not easy to keep an 8-month old entertained for the entire day. It’s good for the mini to be exploring, trying and tasting everything. But it can be a bit stressful for you. You can certainly appreciate their enthusiasm but the days of putting them in a secure place and expecting them to remain…
The Influence of Baby Gut Health on Allergies and Eczema: A Powerful Tool
My first baby Charlize was born in 2018 via C-section due to a breech presentation. While the procedure went without incident, soon after beginning solids she developed mild eczema and sesame allergy which required medical intervention for management. Researching the effects of C-section led me to discover that mothers pass along vaginal and gut bacteria…
A Comprehensive Guide to the Health and Growth of 9-Month-Old Babies
You might want to pause your baby right now because of their newfound mobility. Slow them down to enjoy this sweet time. Some babies are ready to walk by 9 months, while others prefer to move around more slowly. Most motor skills milestones are pretty wide-ranging, and some babies skip crawling entirely. All of this…
Is it Necessary for My Newborn to Receive a Vitamin K Shot and Erythromycin Eye Ointment?
If you intend on giving birth in the US, one of your first healthcare decisions regarding your newborn should come shortly after she arrives. A vitamin K shot and antibiotic eye ointment such as Erythromycin–known as standard of care–should be given within hours as per medical provider for all newborns as part of routine’standard of…
A Comprehensive Guide to the Health and Growth of 10-Month-Old Babies
Your baby’s personality is developing every day. At 10 months, they are becoming their own individual. You may find it hard to believe that they were just a newborn a few months ago. As you near your baby’s 1st birthday, the days may seem busier than ever. It’s difficult to keep a 10-month-old who is…
Sustaining Your Newborn’s Routine during the Holiday Season: 6 Helpful Tips
Holiday seasons with newborns can be thrilling experiences, yet also present some challenges when trying to ensure they remain contented and follow their usual schedules. As you navigate a busy holiday event schedule, your newborn is your top priority and should always come first. Keep things straightforward by being flexible with plans, following baby’s cues,…
Empowering Your Child to Overcome Picky Eating & Foster Healthy Habits: 11 Effective Ways
It was a bit overwhelming for me to have my first child. I’ve been a health freak for many years. But I was confident that my background in OT, my health knowledge, and my passion for cooking would make it all work. I was going to have the “best-eating-child-known-to-man.” (Cue the first time parent over-confidence…
Choosing the Right Baby Outfit: Utilize this Temperature Guide to Decide
Just right is often hard for young ones, since their bodies don’t regulate temperature as easily. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, due to their unique physiological makeup children can be especially susceptible to temperature extremes and their health consequences. As such, there are certain conditions under which it would not be prudent for…
Making Dining Out with Toddlers Easier: 5 Helpful Tips
Everything changes when we have kids. All of a sudden, the TV shows are cartoons. Our 10 hour nights become 6 hours interrupted sleep. And dinner becomes a circus. Eating out is a big deal for most parents once their toddlers reach the age of two. Though children can certainly change your life, they should…
Top Baby Wipe Warmers for Your Little One’s Delicate Skin
Baby wipe warmers may be one of the most highly debated registry items; but we agree they’re not exactly necessary baby gear. That being said, life can sometimes be harsh; and if you want to pamper your precious babe’s bum with warm wipes because life’s too short for cold ones – then we won’t stop…
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